The Internet has become the point of connection in contemporary society, whether in the major offices of global companies located in Copenhagen, New York or on poor countries like Bolivia and Ecuador. The net has multiple faces and drives the appearance of more and more unstable cultures. Though the Internet has the capacity of crossing (pierce) the culture, the result of all this process presents peculiarities still not much understood. Given the breadth of emerged transformations, we have the proposition that the technological impulses are able to make hybrids the most distant points, but can also promote the technological islands and the subcultures. These effects may be more pronounced in countries where the Internet is a reality only for the lower part of the population. Name as islands technology groups of individuals or companies that use the Internet and other technologies to generate association with other persons, groups or companies so sharply generating a distance of your surroundings. In poor countries, the gaps which interpose between the island and its surroundings are much broader and stimulate distinctions and dissonance between the spaces which, in turn, generate the hibridismo cultural. In Latin America we can find the contrast between the wealth and poverty offered by the Internet, a rich online experience and a poverty that the proto-history of communication, a breach far from being supplanted. The crops receive the internet, the process and a transmutam. In this design Cuche (2002) suggests that there is no culture in "pure state," always equal to itself, without having never suffered the slightest external influence. The acculturation is a universal phenomenon, even though it has many different forms and degrees is a continuous process of construction, deconstruction and reconstruction. This conception of culture in development promoted numerous studies that associated the issues of the people and organizations in transition at the end of the twentieth century and led mix of searches carried out in primitive civilizations to contemporary environments. Today, the spaces which redefine and cause greater accentuation of the occupation of the area public in intensity proportional to the technological development. While there is absence in some places, there are other, what Mcquire (2005) defines as the characterization of overweight and different amplitudes in psychogeography. In some places the show debordiano is at the height and other there is numbness, factor criticized by Chomsky and discussed by Beiguelman in new forms of control of capitalism with its tools for collecting information about users In this intense transformation, the culture Internet sends for gradual traineeships of transformation, they do not characterize "boom years" it does nor maintain sintonia with the subjetividades. Before that, the studies of the culture as an evolutive phenomenon it allowed the inclusion of studies on the differences between societies and enterprises, the technological questions and the globalization. In the current scenery, the Internet re-draws the conceptions from the local reality, the codes determine to the reality and, so, like presupposition, a culture is not changed only by the products - Internet-, but from the decodifications of this product that the individuals and societies carry out, they prosecute and associate to the existent elements. So, in spacious context, the social evolution stimulated by new technologies depends on the inter-relations between the culture and the Internet. To disentangle this situation are necessary studies of the Tylor (1978) and the contemporaries, like Turkle (1989), Lévi-Strauss (1996), Morgan (1996), Virilio (1996), Castells (1998), Lévy (1998), Cuche (2002), Kuper (2002), Aubert (2003), Sahlins (2003) , Baitello Jr. (2005), Gray (2006), Sennet (2006) and Trivinho (2007).
Fonte: Baptista, R. D. Harvester Open Archives, 2008. erros propositais